- Filesize: 0.92 MB
- 15 pages
The number of applications subject to safety-critical regulations is on the rise, and consequently, the computing requirements for such applications are increasing as well. This trend has led to the integration of General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) into these systems. However, the inherent characteristics of GPGPUs, including their black-box nature, dynamic allocation mechanisms, and frequent use of pointers, present challenges in certifying these applications for safety-critical systems. This paper aims to shed light on the unique characteristics of GPU programs and how they impact the certification process. To achieve this goal, several allocation methods are rigorously evaluated to determine which one is best suited to an application, regarding the program characteristics within the safety-critical domain. By conducting this evaluation, we seek to provide insights into the complexities of GPU memory accesses and its compatibility with safety-critical requirements. The ultimate objective is to offer recommendations on the most appropriate allocation method based on the unique needs of each application, thus contributing to the safe and reliable integration of GPGPUs into safety-critical systems.
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