Fast (Parallel) Dense Linear Interval Systems Solvers in C-XSC Using Error Free Transformations and BLAS

Authors Michael Zimmer, Walter Krämer

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Michael Zimmer
Walter Krämer

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Michael Zimmer and Walter Krämer. Fast (Parallel) Dense Linear Interval Systems Solvers in C-XSC Using Error Free Transformations and BLAS. In Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Volume 8021, pp. 1-20, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2008)


The traditional solver for linear interval systems available in C-XSC [6,1]
is mathematically based on the Krawczyk[12] operator and modifications
introduced by Rump[17]. The Krawczyk operator is composed of
matrix/vector operations. These operations are realized in C-XSC
with higest accuracy (only one final rounding) using a so called long 
accumulator (dotprecision variable). C-XSC dotprecision variables allow the 
error free computation of sums of floating point numbers as well as the 
error free computation of scalar products of floating point vectors. Thus, 
from a mathematical point of view these operations are perfect. Because 
actual hardware does not support these perfect scalar products all 
operations have to be realized by software. This fact leads to a tremendous 
time penalty (note: it has been shown that with modest additional hardware 
costs perfect scalar products can be made as fast as simple floating-point 

To speed up the C-XSC scalar product software-operations we adapt the so 
called DotK algorithm as published in [14]. Error free transformations[14,3,4,10]
are used as basic building blocks to develop summation and scalar product 
algorithms simulating a K-fold precision. Compared to the perfect C-XSC operations 
these operations are fast. They are more accurate than simple floating-point
loops (but of course no longer perfect in the mathematical sense). The fast 
operations are available in C-XSC via the new data types DotK, IDotK, CDotk
and CIDotK. These new data types are composed in such a way that traditional 
C-XSC code using dotprecision variables can be adapted with minimal effort. It is 
possible to switch (at runtime!) from perfect computations to fast operations using 
K-fold precision (K equal 0 means traditional dotprecision computations) and it is 
possible to hold intermediate results with corresponding error bounds for further
summations or scalar product updates. The details are described in [19].

Additionaly, based on similar algorithms used in Intlab[16], BLAS and LAPACK 
libraries [2] are used in the O(n³) parts of the linear system solver. For
matrix-matrix products, manipulation of the rounding mode of the processor is used 
to compute enclosures of the correct result.

Comparing the traditional solver with the new version shows that the class of 
problems which are solvable with the new version is smaller than the class of 
problems which can be solved using the solver based on perfect operations. But it 
seems that for real world problems also the new solver is appropriate. Using the 
new solver based on BLAS and simulating a quadrupel precision (i.e. k==2) the 
speedup comes close to 200(!). The new solver is nearly as fast as the corresponding 
IntLab[16] solver verifylss. Solving a real linaer system of dimension 1000 on a 
Pentium 4 with 3.2GHz takes about 2.8 seconds. In all cases tested the accuracy of 
our new solver was better and in some cases significantly better than the accuracy 
of the corresponding IntLab results. The new solver also allows solving larger 
(dense) problems than its IntLab counterpart. We also show some examples where IntLab 
falls down whereas our new solver still works.

A parallel version of this solver, based on ScaLAPACK, is also available. Unlike
the previous parallel solver in C-XSC[5], this new solver does not depend on a 
root-node, which makes it possible to compute a verified solution even of very large 
linear systems.

In the talk we will discuss the new data types in more detail, we will emphasize our
 modifications to the DotK algorithm taken from the literature [14,15], we will show 
time measurements and we will present results concerning the accuracy of the computed
enclosures. Our results will also be compared to corresponding results computed with 
the IntLab package. We also will comment on hardware features  and compiler options
which can/should be used to get reliable results on different platforms efficiently.


[1] Downloads: 
C-XSC library:

[2] L.S. Blackford, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, I. Duff, S. Hammarling, G. Henry, M. Heroux, 
L. Kaufman, A. Lumsdaine, A. Petitet, R. Pozo, K. Remington, R. C. Whaley, An Updated Set 
of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), ACM Trans. Math. Soft., 28-2 (2002), pp. 135--151.

[3] Bohlender, G.; Walter, W.; Kornerup, P.; Matula,
D.W.; Kornerup, P.; Matula, D.W.:
Semantics for Exact Floating Point Operations.
Proceedings, 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic,
 26-28 June 1991, IEEE, 1991.

[4] Dekker, T.J.: A floating-point technique for extending
the available precision. Numer. Math., 18:224, 1971.

[5] Grimmer, M.: Selbstverifizierende Mathematische Softwarewerkzeuge im
High-Performance Computing. Konzeption, Entwicklung und Analyse am Beispiel
der parallelen verifizierten Loesung linearer Fredholmscher Integralgleichungen
zweiter Art. Logos Verlag, 2007.

[6] Hofschuster, W.; Kraemer, W.:
C-XSC 2.0: A C++ Library for Extended Scientific Computing.
Numerical Software with Result Verification,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2991/2004,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 15 - 35, 2004.

[7] Kersten, Tim: Verifizierende rechnerinvariante Numerikmodule, Dissertation,
University of Karlsruhe, 1998

[8] Klatte, Kulisch, Wiethoff, Lawo, Rauch:
"C-XSC - A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing",
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993.
Due to the C++ standardization (1998) and dramatic changes
in C++ compilers over the last years this documentation describes
no longer the actual C-XSC environment. Please refer to more accurate
documentation (e.g.[1]) available from the web site of our
research group: http...
[9] Kirchner, R., Kulisch, U.:
Hardware Support for Interval Arithmetic.
Reliable Computing, Volume 12, Number 3,
June 2006 , pp. 225-237(13).

[10] Knuth, D.E.: The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical Algorithms.
Addison Wesley, 1969, vol. 2.

[11] Kulisch, U.: Computer Arithmetic and Validity - Theory,
Implementation. To appear.

[12] Krawczyk, R.: Newton-Algorithmen zur Bestimmung von Nullstellen mit Fehlerschranken, 
Computing, 4:187-201, 1969.

[13] Lerch, M.; Tischler, G.; Wolff von Gudenberg, J.; Hofschuster, W;
Kraemer, W.:
filib++, a Fast Interval Library Supporting Containment Computations.
ACM TOMS, volume 32, number 2, pp. 299-324, 2006.

[14] Ogita, T., Rump, S.M., Oishi, S.: Accurate sum and
dot product. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
26:6, 2005.

[15] Oishi, S., Tanabe, K., Ogita, T., Rump, S.M., Yamanaka, N.:
A Parallel Algorithm of Accurate Dot Product.
Submitted for publication, 2007.

[16] Rump, S.M.: Intlab - Interval Laboratory. Developments in Reliable
Computing, pp. 77-104, 1999.

[17] Rump, S.M.: Kleine Fehlerschranken bei Matrixproblemen, Dissertation, 
University of Karlsruhe, 1980

[18] Stroustrup, Bjarne: The C++-Programming Language, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

[19] Zimmer, Michael: Laufzeiteffiziente, parallele Loeser fuer
lineare Intervallgleichungssysteme in C-XSC, Master thesis,
University of Wuppertal, 2007.

AMS subject classification: 65H10, 15-04, 65G99, 65G10, 65-04

Subject Classification

  • Error-free transformations
  • K-fold accuracy
  • accurate dot product
  • C-XSC
  • high accuracy
  • dense linear systems
  • verified computation.


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