Improved Distance Queries and Cycle Counting by Frobenius Normal Form

Authors Piotr Sankowski, Karol Wegrzycki

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Piotr Sankowski
Karol Wegrzycki

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Piotr Sankowski and Karol Wegrzycki. Improved Distance Queries and Cycle Counting by Frobenius Normal Form. In 34th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 66, pp. 56:1-56:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2017)


Consider an unweighted, directed graph G with the diameter D. In this paper, we introduce the framework for counting cycles and walks of given length in matrix multiplication time O-tilde(n^omega). The framework is based on the fast decomposition into Frobenius normal form and the Hankel matrix-vector multiplication. It allows us to solve the following problems efficiently.

* All Nodes Shortest Cycles - for every node return the length of the shortest cycle containing it. We give an O-tilde(n^omega) algorithm that improves the previous O-tilde(n^((omega + 3)/2)) algorithm for unweighted digraphs.

* We show how to compute all D sets of vertices lying on cycles of length c in {1, ..., D} in randomized time O-tilde(n^omega). It improves upon an algorithm by Cygan where algorithm that computes a single set is presented.

* We present a functional improvement of distance queries for directed, unweighted graphs.

* All Pairs All Walks - we show almost optimal O-tilde(n^3) time algorithm for all walks counting problem. We improve upon the naive O(D n^omega) time algorithm.

Subject Classification

  • Frobenius Normal Form
  • Graph Algorithms
  • All Nodes Shortest Cycles


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