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- 20 pages
In the asynchronous setting, distributed behavior is traditionally studied through computa- tions, the Happened-Before posets of events generated by the system. An equivalent perspective considers the linear extensions of the generated computations: each linear extension defines a sequence of events, called an execution. Both perspective were leveraged in the study of asyn- chronous point-to-point message orderings over computations; yet neither allows us to interpret message orderings defined over executions. Can we nevertheless make sense of such an ordering, maybe even use it to understand asynchronicity better? We provide a general answer by defining a topology on the set of executions which captures the fundamental assumptions of asynchronicity. This topology links each message ordering over executions with two sets of computations: its closure, the computations for which at least one linear extension satisfies the predicate; and its interior, the computations for which all linear ex- tensions satisfy it. These sets of computations represent respectively the uncertainty brought by asynchronicity – the computations where the predicate is satisfiable – and the certainty available despite asynchronicity – the computations where the predicate must hold. The paper demon- strates the use of this topological approach by examining closures and interiors of interesting orderings over executions.
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