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- 16 pages
A tree cover of a metric space (X,d) is a collection of trees, so that every pair x,y in X has a low distortion path in one of the trees. If it has the stronger property that every point x in X has a single tree with low distortion paths to all other points, we call this a Ramsey tree cover. Tree covers and Ramsey tree covers have been studied by [Yair Bartal et al., 2005; Anupam Gupta et al., 2004; T-H. Hubert Chan et al., 2005; Gupta et al., 2006; Mendel and Naor, 2007], and have found several important algorithmic applications, e.g. routing and distance oracles. The union of trees in a tree cover also serves as a special type of spanner, that can be decomposed into a few trees with low distortion paths contained in a single tree; Such spanners for Euclidean pointsets were presented by [S. Arya et al., 1995]. In this paper we devise efficient algorithms to construct tree covers and Ramsey tree covers for general, planar and doubling metrics. We pay particular attention to the desirable case of distortion close to 1, and study what can be achieved when the number of trees is small. In particular, our work shows a large separation between what can be achieved by tree covers vs. Ramsey tree covers.
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