Separating Two-Round Secure Computation From Oblivious Transfer

Authors Benny Applebaum, Zvika Brakerski, Sanjam Garg, Yuval Ishai, Akshayaram Srinivasan

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Author Details

Benny Applebaum
  • Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Zvika Brakerski
  • Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Sanjam Garg
  • UC Berkeley, CA, USA
Yuval Ishai
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Akshayaram Srinivasan
  • UC Berkeley, CA, USA


We thank Iftach Haitner, Mohammad Mahmoody, and Rotem Tsabary for helpful discussions.

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Benny Applebaum, Zvika Brakerski, Sanjam Garg, Yuval Ishai, and Akshayaram Srinivasan. Separating Two-Round Secure Computation From Oblivious Transfer. In 11th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2020). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 151, pp. 71:1-71:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2020)


We consider the question of minimizing the round complexity of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) with security against an arbitrary number of semi-honest parties. Very recently, Garg and Srinivasan (Eurocrypt 2018) and Benhamouda and Lin (Eurocrypt 2018) constructed such 2-round MPC protocols from minimal assumptions. This was done by showing a round preserving reduction to the task of secure 2-party computation of the oblivious transfer functionality (OT). These constructions made a novel non-black-box use of the underlying OT protocol. The question remained whether this can be done by only making black-box use of 2-round OT. This is of theoretical and potentially also practical value as black-box use of primitives tends to lead to more efficient constructions.
Our main result proves that such a black-box construction is impossible, namely that non-black-box use of OT is necessary. As a corollary, a similar separation holds when starting with any 2-party functionality other than OT. 
As a secondary contribution, we prove several additional results that further clarify the landscape of black-box MPC with minimal interaction. In particular, we complement the separation from 2-party functionalities by presenting a complete 4-party functionality, give evidence for the difficulty of ruling out a complete 3-party functionality and for the difficulty of ruling out black-box constructions of 3-round MPC from 2-round OT, and separate a relaxed "non-compact" variant of 2-party homomorphic secret sharing from 2-round OT.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Computational complexity and cryptography
  • Theory of computation → Cryptographic protocols
  • Oracle Separation
  • Oblivious Transfer
  • Secure Multiparty Computation


  • Access Statistics
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