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- 29 pages
Given a random n × n symmetric matrix ? drawn from the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), we consider the problem of certifying an upper bound on the maximum value of the quadratic form ?^⊤ ? ? over all vectors ? in a constraint set ? ⊂ ℝⁿ. For a certain class of normalized constraint sets we show that, conditional on a certain complexity-theoretic conjecture, no polynomial-time algorithm can certify a better upper bound than the largest eigenvalue of ?. A notable special case included in our results is the hypercube ? = {±1/√n}ⁿ, which corresponds to the problem of certifying bounds on the Hamiltonian of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass model from statistical physics. Our results suggest a striking gap between optimization and certification for this problem. Our proof proceeds in two steps. First, we give a reduction from the detection problem in the negatively-spiked Wishart model to the above certification problem. We then give evidence that this Wishart detection problem is computationally hard below the classical spectral threshold, by showing that no low-degree polynomial can (in expectation) distinguish the spiked and unspiked models. This method for predicting computational thresholds was proposed in a sequence of recent works on the sum-of-squares hierarchy, and is conjectured to be correct for a large class of problems. Our proof can be seen as constructing a distribution over symmetric matrices that appears computationally indistinguishable from the GOE, yet is supported on matrices whose maximum quadratic form over ? ∈ ? is much larger than that of a GOE matrix.
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