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- 20 pages
In the masked low-rank approximation problem, one is given data matrix A ∈ ℝ^{n × n} and binary mask matrix W ∈ {0,1}^{n × n}. The goal is to find a rank-k matrix L for which: cost(L) := ∑_{i=1}^n ∑_{j=1}^n W_{i,j} ⋅ (A_{i,j} - L_{i,j})² ≤ OPT + ε ‖A‖_F², where OPT = min_{rank-k L̂} cost(L̂) and ε is a given error parameter. Depending on the choice of W, the above problem captures factor analysis, low-rank plus diagonal decomposition, robust PCA, low-rank matrix completion, low-rank plus block matrix approximation, low-rank recovery from monotone missing data, and a number of other important problems. Many of these problems are NP-hard, and while algorithms with provable guarantees are known in some cases, they either 1) run in time n^Ω(k²/ε) or 2) make strong assumptions, for example, that A is incoherent or that the entries in W are chosen independently and uniformly at random. In this work, we show that a common polynomial time heuristic, which simply sets A to 0 where W is 0, and then finds a standard low-rank approximation, yields bicriteria approximation guarantees for this problem. In particular, for rank k' > k depending on the public coin partition number of W, the heuristic outputs rank-k' L with cost(L) ≤ OPT + ε ‖A‖_F². This partition number is in turn bounded by the randomized communication complexity of W, when interpreted as a two-player communication matrix. For many important cases, including all those listed above, this yields bicriteria approximation guarantees with rank k' = k ⋅ poly(log n/ε). Beyond this result, we show that different notions of communication complexity yield bicriteria algorithms for natural variants of masked low-rank approximation. For example, multi-player number-in-hand communication complexity connects to masked tensor decomposition and non-deterministic communication complexity to masked Boolean low-rank factorization.
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