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- 21 pages
In this paper, we consider the problem of designing cut sparsifiers and sketches for directed graphs. To bypass known lower bounds, we allow the sparsifier/sketch to depend on the balance of the input graph, which smoothly interpolates between undirected and directed graphs. We give nearly matching upper and lower bounds for both for-all (cf. Benczúr and Karger, STOC 1996) and for-each (Andoni et al., ITCS 2016) cut sparsifiers/sketches as a function of cut balance, defined the maximum ratio of the cut value in the two directions of a directed graph (Ene et al., STOC 2016). We also show an interesting application of digraph sparsification via cut balance by using it to give a very short proof of a celebrated maximum flow result of Karger and Levine (STOC 2002).
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