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- 17 pages
We consider the embeddability problem of a graph G into a two-dimensional simplicial complex C: Given G and C, decide whether G admits a topological embedding into C. The problem is NP-hard, even in the restricted case where C is homeomorphic to a surface. It is known that the problem admits an algorithm with running time f(c)n^{O(c)}, where n is the size of the graph G and c is the size of the two-dimensional complex C. In other words, that algorithm is polynomial when C is fixed, but the degree of the polynomial depends on C. We prove that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable in the size of the two-dimensional complex, by providing a deterministic f(c)n³-time algorithm. We also provide a randomized algorithm with expected running time 2^{c^{O(1)}}n^{O(1)}. Our approach is to reduce to the case where G has bounded branchwidth via an irrelevant vertex method, and to apply dynamic programming. We do not rely on any component of the existing linear-time algorithms for embedding graphs on a fixed surface; the only elaborated tool that we use is an algorithm to compute grid minors.
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