Knowledge Graphs: A Guided Tour (Invited Paper)

Author Aidan Hogan

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Aidan Hogan
  • DCC, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), Santiago, Chile


I wish to thank Camille Bourgaux, Ana Ozaki and Rafael Peñaloza for providing the idea for these lecture notes.

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Aidan Hogan. Knowledge Graphs: A Guided Tour (Invited Paper). In International Research School in Artificial Intelligence in Bergen (AIB 2022). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 99, pp. 1:1-1:21, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2022)


Much has been written about knowledge graphs in the past years by authors coming from diverse communities. The goal of these lecture notes is to provide a guided tour to the secondary and tertiary literature concerning knowledge graphs where the reader can learn more about particular topics. In particular, we collate together brief summaries of relevant books, book collections, book chapters, journal articles and other publications that provide introductions, primers, surveys and perspectives regarding: knowledge graphs in general; graph data models and query languages; semantics in the form of graph schemata, ontologies and rules; graph theory, algorithms and analytics; graph learning, in the form of knowledge graph embeddings and graph neural networks; and the knowledge graph life-cycle, which incorporates works on constructing, refining and publishing knowledge graphs. Where available, we highlight and provide direct links to open access literature.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Information systems → Graph-based database models
  • Information systems → Information integration
  • Computing methodologies → Artificial intelligence
  • knowledge graphs


  • Access Statistics
  • Total Accesses (updated on a weekly basis)
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  1. Charu C. Aggarwal and Haixun Wang, editors. Managing and Mining Graph Data, volume 40 of Advances in Database Systems. Springer, 2010. URL:
  2. Waqas Ali, Muhammad Saleem, Bin Yao, Aidan Hogan, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. A Survey of RDF Stores & SPARQL Engines for Querying Knowledge Graphs. VLDB Journal, 2021. URL:
  3. Dean Allemang and James A. Hendler. Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist - Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL, Second Edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. URL:
  4. Renzo Angles, Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Aidan Hogan, Juan L. Reutter, and Domagoj Vrgoc. Foundations of Modern Query Languages for Graph Databases. ACM Computing Surveys, 50(5):68:1-68:40, 2017. URL:
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