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- 19 pages
More than three decades ago, after a series of results, Kaltofen and Trager (J. Symb. Comput. 1990) designed a randomized polynomial time algorithm for factorization of multivariate circuits. Derandomizing this algorithm, even for restricted circuit classes, is an important open problem. In particular, the case of s-sparse polynomials, having individual degree d = O(1), is very well-studied (Shpilka, Volkovich ICALP'10; Volkovich RANDOM'17; Bhargava, Saraf and Volkovich FOCS'18, JACM'20). We give a complete derandomization for this class assuming that the input is a symmetric polynomial over rationals. Generally, we prove an s^poly(d)-sparsity bound for the factors of symmetric polynomials over any field. This characterizes the known worst-case examples of sparsity blow-up for sparse polynomial factoring. To factor f, we use techniques from convex geometry and exploit symmetry (only) in the Newton polytope of f. We prove a crucial result about convex polytopes, by introducing the concept of "low min-entropy", which might also be of independent interest.
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