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- 21 pages
We study the problem of collaborative tree exploration introduced by Fraigniaud, Gasieniec, Kowalski, and Pelc [Pierre Fraigniaud et al., 2006] where a team of k agents is tasked to collectively go through all the edges of an unknown tree as fast as possible and return to the root. Denoting by n the total number of nodes and by D the tree depth, the 𝒪(n/log(k)+D) algorithm of [Pierre Fraigniaud et al., 2006] achieves a 𝒪(k/log(k)) competitive ratio with respect to the cost of offline exploration which is at least max{{2n/k,2D}}. Brass, Cabrera-Mora, Gasparri, and Xiao [Peter Brass et al., 2011] study an alternative performance criterion, the competitive overhead with respect to the cost of offline exploration, with their 2n/k+𝒪((D+k)^k) guarantee. In this paper, we introduce "Breadth-First Depth-Next" (BFDN), a novel and simple algorithm that performs collaborative tree exploration in 2n/k+𝒪(D²log(k)) rounds, thus outperforming [Peter Brass et al., 2011] for all values of (n,D,k) and being order-optimal for trees of depth D = o(√n). Our analysis relies on a two-player game reflecting a problem of online resource allocation that could be of independent interest. We extend the guarantees of BFDN to: scenarios with limited memory and communication, adversarial setups where robots can be blocked, and exploration of classes of non-tree graphs. Finally, we provide a recursive version of BFDN with a runtime of 𝒪_𝓁(n/k^{1/𝓁}+log(k) D^{1+1/𝓁}) for parameter 𝓁 ≥ 1, thereby improving performance for trees with large depth.
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