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- 14 pages
Galled trees appear in problems concerning admixture, horizontal gene transfer, hybridization, and recombination. Building on a recursive enumerative construction, we study the asymptotic behavior of the number of rooted binary unlabeled (normal) galled trees as the number of leaves n increases, maintaining a fixed number of galls g. We find that the exponential growth with n of the number of rooted binary unlabeled normal galled trees with g galls has the same value irrespective of the value of g ≥ 0. The subexponential growth, however, depends on g; it follows c_g n^{2g-3/2}, where c_g is a constant dependent on g. Although for each g, the exponential growth is approximately 2.4833ⁿ, summing across all g, the exponential growth is instead approximated by the much larger 4.8230ⁿ.
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