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- 18 pages
Sustainable transport is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, with two major pillars being the reduction of car usage and the promotion of public transport. One way to approach both of these pillars is through the large number of daily commute trips in urban areas, and their modal split. Previous research gathered knowledge on influencing factors on the modal split mainly through travel surveys. We take a different approach by analysing the "raw" network and the time-optimised trips on a multi-modal graph. For the case study of Vienna, Austria we investigate how the option to use a private car influences the modal split of routes towards the city centre. Additionally, we compare the modal split across seven inner districts and we relate properties of the public transport network to the respective share of public transport. The results suggest that different districts have varying options of public transport connections towards the city centre, with a share of public transport between about 5% up to a share of 45%. This reveals areas where investments in public transport could reduce commute times to the city centre. Regarding network properties, our findings suggest, that it is not sufficient to analyse the joint public transport network. Instead, individual public transport modalities should be examined. We show that the network length and the direction of the lines towards the city centre influence the proportion of subway and tram in the modal split.
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