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- 17 pages
Finding high-quality bounds is key to devising efficient exact solution approaches for Discrete Optimization (DO) problems. To this end, Decision Diagrams (DDs) provide strong and generic bounding mechanisms. This paper focuses on so-called relaxed DDs which, by merging nodes, over-approximate the solution space of DO problems and provide dual bounds the quality of which hinges upon the ordering of the variables in the DD compilation and on the selection of the nodes to merge. Addressing the Maximum Independent Set Problem, we present a novel dynamic variable ordering strategy relying on induced subgraphs of the original graph, and a new tie-based merge heuristic. In a set of computational experiments, we show that our strategies yield much stronger bounds than the standard state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, implementing our heuristics in a DD-based branch-and-bound, we reduce the solution times by around 33 % on average and by more than 50 % on hard instances.
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