Boundedness of Cost Register Automata over the Integer Min-Plus Semiring

Authors Andrei Draghici , Radosław Piórkowski , Andrew Ryzhikov

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Author Details

Andrei Draghici
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Radosław Piórkowski
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Andrew Ryzhikov
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK


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Andrei Draghici, Radosław Piórkowski, and Andrew Ryzhikov. Boundedness of Cost Register Automata over the Integer Min-Plus Semiring. In 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2025). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 326, pp. 20:1-20:23, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2025)


Cost register automata (CRAs) are deterministic automata with registers taking values from a fixed semiring. A CRA computes a function from words to values from this semiring. CRAs are tightly related to well-studied weighted automata. Given a CRA, the boundedness problem asks if there exists a natural number N such that for every word, the value of the CRA on this word does not exceed N. This problem is known to be undecidable for the class of linear CRAs over the integer min-plus semiring (ℤ∪{+∞}, min, +), but very little is known about its subclasses. In this paper, we study boundedness of copyless linear CRAs with resets over the integer min-plus semiring. We show that it is decidable for such CRAs with at most two registers. More specifically, we show that it is, respectively, NL-complete and in coNP if the numbers in the input are presented in unary and binary. We also provide complexity results for two classes with an arbitrary number of registers. Namely, we show that for CRAs that use the minimum operation only in the output function, boundedness is PSPACE-complete if transferring values to other registers is allowed, and is coNP-complete otherwise. Finally, for each f_i in the hierarchy of fast-growing functions, we provide a stateless CRA with i registers whose output exceeds N only on runs longer than f_i(N). Our construction yields a non-elementary lower bound already for four registers.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Quantitative automata
  • cost register automata
  • boundedness
  • decidability


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