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- 24 pages
Life is chemical intelligence. What is the source of intelligent behavior in molecular systems? Here we illustrate how, in contrast to the common belief that energy use in non-equilibrium reactions is essential, the detailed balance equilibrium properties of multicomponent liquid interactions are sufficient for sophisticated information processing. Our approach derives from the classical Boltzmann machine model for probabilistic neural networks, inheriting key principles such as representing probability distributions via quadratic energy functions, clamping input variables to infer conditional probability distributions, accommodating omnidirectional computation, and learning energy parameters via a wake phase / sleep phase algorithm that performs gradient descent on the relative entropy with respect to the target distribution. While the cubic lattice model of multicomponent liquids is standard, the behaviors exhibited by the trained molecules capture both previously-observed phenomena such as core-shell condensate architectures as well as novel phenomena such as an analog of Hopfield associative memories that perform recall by contact with a patterned surface. Our final example demonstrates equilibrium classification of MNIST digits. Experimental implementation using DNA nanostar liquids is conceptually straightforward.
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