Parameterized Algorithms on Integer Sets with Small Doubling: Integer Programming, Subset Sum and k-SUM

Authors Tim Randolph , Karol Węgrzycki

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Author Details

Tim Randolph
  • Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, USA
Karol Węgrzycki
  • Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany


The authors thank Lars Rohwedder for insightful discussions that helped to clarify the connections between 𝒞-Subset Sum and Hyperplane-Constrained BILP, as well as several anonymous reviewers for helpful feedback on earlier drafts.

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Tim Randolph and Karol Węgrzycki. Parameterized Algorithms on Integer Sets with Small Doubling: Integer Programming, Subset Sum and k-SUM. In 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 308, pp. 96:1-96:19, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


We study the parameterized complexity of algorithmic problems whose input is an integer set A in terms of the doubling constant 𝒞 := |A+A| / |A|, a fundamental measure of additive structure. We present evidence that this new parameterization is algorithmically useful in the form of new results for two difficult, well-studied problems: Integer Programming and Subset Sum. First, we show that determining the feasibility of bounded Integer Programs is a tractable problem when parameterized in the doubling constant. Specifically, we prove that the feasibility of an integer program ℐ with n polynomially-bounded variables and m constraints can be determined in time n^{O_𝒞(1)} ⋅ poly(|ℐ|) when the column set of the constraint matrix has doubling constant 𝒞. Second, we show that the Subset Sum and Unbounded Subset Sum problems can be solved in time n^{O_C(1)} and n^{O_𝒞(log log log n)}, respectively, where the O_C notation hides functions that depend only on the doubling constant 𝒞. We also show the equivalence of achieving an FPT algorithm for Subset Sum with bounded doubling and achieving a milestone result for the parameterized complexity of Box ILP. Finally, we design near-linear time algorithms for k-SUM as well as tight lower bounds for 4-SUM and nearly tight lower bounds for k-SUM, under the k-SUM conjecture. Several of our results rely on a new proof that Freiman’s Theorem, a central result in additive combinatorics, can be made efficiently constructive. This result may be of independent interest.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Design and analysis of algorithms
  • Parameterized algorithms
  • parameterized complexity
  • additive combinatorics
  • Subset Sum
  • integer programming
  • doubling constant


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