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- 20 pages
This paper studies the complexity of operations on finite automata and the complexity of their decision problems when the alphabet is unary and n the number of states of the finite automata considered. The following main results are obtained: 1) Equality and inclusion of NFAs can be decided within time 2^O((n log n)^{1/3}); previous upper bound 2^O((n log n)^{1/2}) was by Chrobak (1986) via DFA conversion. 2) The state complexity of operations of UFAs (unambiguous finite automata) increases for complementation and union at most by quasipolynomial; however, for concatenation of two n-state UFAs, the worst case is an UFA of at least 2^Ω(n^{1/6}) states. Previously the upper bounds for complementation and union were exponential-type and this lower bound for concatenation is new.
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