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- 18 pages
The problem PosSLP is the problem of determining whether a given straight-line program (SLP) computes a positive integer. PosSLP was introduced by Allender et al. to study the complexity of numerical analysis (Allender et al., 2009). PosSLP can also be reformulated as the problem of deciding whether the integer computed by a given SLP can be expressed as the sum of squares of four integers, based on the well-known result by Lagrange in 1770, which demonstrated that every natural number can be represented as the sum of four non-negative integer squares. In this paper, we explore several natural extensions of this problem by investigating whether the positive integer computed by a given SLP can be written as the sum of squares of two or three integers. We delve into the complexity of these variations and demonstrate relations between the complexity of the original PosSLP problem and the complexity of these related problems. Additionally, we introduce a new intriguing problem called Div2SLP and illustrate how Div2SLP is connected to DegSLP and the problem of whether an SLP computes an integer expressible as the sum of three squares. By comprehending the connections between these problems, our results offer a deeper understanding of decision problems associated with SLPs and open avenues for further exciting research.
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