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- 17 pages
Generalizing pseudospherical drawings, we introduce a new class of simple drawings, which we call separable drawings. In a separable drawing, every edge can be closed to a simple curve that intersects each other edge at most once. Curves of different edges might interact arbitrarily. Most notably, we show that (1) every separable drawing of any graph on n vertices in the plane can be extended to a simple drawing of the complete graph K_n, (2) every separable drawing of K_n contains a crossing-free Hamiltonian cycle and is plane Hamiltonian connected, and (3) every generalized convex drawing and every 2-page book drawing is separable. Further, the class of separable drawings is a proper superclass of the union of generalized convex and 2-page book drawings. Hence, our results on plane Hamiltonicity extend recent work on generalized convex drawings by Bergold et al. (SoCG 2024).
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