TFNP Intersections Through the Lens of Feasible Disjunction

Authors Pavel Hubáček , Erfan Khaniki, Neil Thapen

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Author Details

Pavel Hubáček
  • Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
Erfan Khaniki
  • Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
Neil Thapen
  • Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic


We would like to thank Lukáš Folwarczný, Tuomas Hakoniemi, Yuhao Li, William Pires, Pavel Pudlák and Robert Robere for helpful discussions related to this work.

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Pavel Hubáček, Erfan Khaniki, and Neil Thapen. TFNP Intersections Through the Lens of Feasible Disjunction. In 15th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 287, pp. 63:1-63:24, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


The complexity class CLS was introduced by Daskalakis and Papadimitriou (SODA 2010) to capture the computational complexity of important TFNP problems solvable by local search over continuous domains and, thus, lying in both PLS and PPAD. It was later shown that, e.g., the problem of computing fixed points guaranteed by Banach’s fixed point theorem is CLS-complete by Daskalakis et al. (STOC 2018). Recently, Fearnley et al. (J. ACM 2023) disproved the plausible conjecture of Daskalakis and Papadimitriou that CLS is a proper subclass of PLS∩PPAD by proving that CLS = PLS∩PPAD.
To study the possibility of other collapses in TFNP, we connect classes formed as the intersection of existing subclasses of TFNP with the phenomenon of feasible disjunction in propositional proof complexity; where a proof system has the feasible disjunction property if, whenever a disjunction F ∨ G has a small proof, and F and G have no variables in common, then either F or G has a small proof. Based on some known and some new results about feasible disjunction, we separate the classes formed by intersecting the classical subclasses PLS, PPA, PPAD, PPADS, PPP and CLS. We also give the first examples of proof systems which have the feasible interpolation property, but not the feasible disjunction property.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Proof complexity
  • Theory of computation → Problems, reductions and completeness
  • Theory of computation → Complexity classes
  • TFNP
  • feasible disjunction
  • proof complexity
  • TFNP intersection classes


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