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- 28 pages
In the general pattern formation (GPF) problem, a swarm of simple autonomous, disoriented robots must form a given pattern. The robots' simplicity imply a strong limitation: When the initial configuration is rotationally symmetric, only patterns with a similar symmetry can be formed [Masafumi Yamashita and Ichiro Suzuki, 2010]. The only known algorithm to form large patterns with limited visibility and without memory requires the robots to start in a near-gathering (a swarm of constant diameter) [Christopher Hahn et al., 2024]. However, not only do we not know any near-gathering algorithm guaranteed to preserve symmetry but most natural gathering strategies trivially increase symmetries [Jannik Castenow et al., 2022]. Thus, we study near-gathering without changing the swarm’s rotational symmetry for disoriented, oblivious robots with limited visibility (the OBLOT-model, see [Paola Flocchini et al., 2019]). We introduce a technique based on the theory of dynamical systems to analyze how a given algorithm affects symmetry and provide sufficient conditions for symmetry preservation. Until now, it was unknown whether the considered OBLOT-model allows for any non-trivial algorithm that always preserves symmetry. Our first result shows that a variant of Go-To-The-Average always preserves symmetry but may sometimes lead to multiple, unconnected near-gathering clusters. Our second result is a symmetry-preserving near-gathering algorithm that works on swarms with a convex boundary (the outer boundary of the unit disc graph) and without "holes" (circles of diameter 1 inside the boundary without any robots).
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