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- 15 pages
We study the Fréchet queries problem. It is a data structure problem for range reporting, where we are given a set S of n polygonal curves and a distance threshold ρ. The data structure should support queries with a polygonal curve q for the elements of S, for which the continuous Fréchet distance to q is at most ρ. Afshani and Driemel in 2018 studied this problem for two-dimensional polygonal curves of constant complexity and gave upper and lower bounds on the space-query time tradeoff. We study the case that the ambient space of the curves is one-dimensional and show an intimate connection to the well-studied rectangle stabbing problem. Here, we are given a set of hyperrectangles as input and a query with a point q should return all input rectangles that contain this point. Using known data structures for rectangle stabbing or orthogonal range searching this directly leads to a data structure with size in 𝒪(n log^{t-1} n) and query time in 𝒪(log^{t-1} n+k), where k denotes the output size and t can be chosen as the maximum number of vertices of either (a) the stored curves or (b) the query curves. Note that we omit factors depending on the complexity of the curves that do not depend on n. The resulting bounds improve upon the bounds by Afshani and Driemel in both the storage and query time. In addition, we show that known lower bounds for rectangle stabbing and orthogonal range reporting with dimension parameter d = ⌊t/2⌋ can be applied to our problem via reduction.
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