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- 13 pages
The colorful Helly theorem and Tverberg’s theorem are fundamental results in discrete geometry. We prove a theorem which interpolates between the two. In particular, we show the following for any integers d ≥ m ≥ 1 and k a prime power. Suppose F₁, F₂, … , F_m are families of convex sets in ℝ^d, each of size n > (d/m+1)(k-1), such that for any choice C_i ∈ F_i we have ⋂_{i = 1}^m C_i ≠ ∅. Then, one of the families F_i admits a Tverberg k-partition. That is, one of the F_i can be partitioned into k nonempty parts such that the convex hulls of the parts have nonempty intersection. As a corollary, we also obtain a result concerning r-dimensional transversals to families of convex sets in ℝ^d that satisfy the colorful Helly hypothesis, which extends the work of Karasev and Montejano.
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