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- 8 pages
The sum of square roots is as follows: Given x_1,… ,x_n ∈ ℤ and a₁,… ,a_n ∈ ℕ decide whether E = ∑_{i=1}^n x_i √{a_i} ≥ 0. It is a prominent open problem (Problem 33 of the Open Problems Project), whether this can be decided in polynomial time. The state-of-the-art methods rely on separation bounds, which are lower bounds on the minimum nonzero absolute value of E. The current best bound shows that |E| ≥ (n ⋅ max_i (|x_i| ⋅√{a_i})) ^{-2ⁿ}, which is doubly exponentially small. We provide a new bound of the form |E| ≥ γ ⋅ (n ⋅ max_i |x_i|)^{-2n} where γ is a constant depending on a₁,… ,a_n. This is singly exponential in n for fixed a_1,… ,a_n. The constant γ is not explicit and stems from the subspace theorem, a deep result in the geometry of numbers.
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