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- 16 pages
For a closed Riemannian manifold ℳ and a metric space S with a small Gromov-Hausdorff distance to it, Latschev’s theorem guarantees the existence of a sufficiently small scale β > 0 at which the Vietoris-Rips complex of S is homotopy equivalent to ℳ. Despite being regarded as a stepping stone to the topological reconstruction of Riemannian manifolds from a noisy data, the result is only a qualitative guarantee. Until now, it had been elusive how to quantitatively choose such a proximity scale β in order to provide sampling conditions for S to be homotopy equivalent to ℳ. In this paper, we prove a stronger and pragmatic version of Latschev’s theorem, facilitating a simple description of β using the sectional curvatures and convexity radius of ℳ as the sampling parameters. Our study also delves into the topological recovery of a closed Euclidean submanifold from the Vietoris-Rips complexes of a Hausdorff close Euclidean subset. As already known for Čech complexes, we show that Vietoris-Rips complexes also provide topologically faithful reconstruction guarantees for submanifolds.
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