Indexing Graphs for Shortest Beer Path Queries

Authors David Coudert , Andrea D'Ascenzo , Mattia D'Emidio

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David Coudert
  • Université Côte d'Azur, Inria, I3S, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France
Andrea D'Ascenzo
  • Luiss University, Rome, Italy
Mattia D'Emidio
  • University of L'Aquila, Italy


Part of Andrea D'Ascenzo's work was carried out during his Ph.D. studies at University of L'Aquila.

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David Coudert, Andrea D'Ascenzo, and Mattia D'Emidio. Indexing Graphs for Shortest Beer Path Queries. In 24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 123, pp. 2:1-2:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


A beer graph is an edge-weighted graph G = (V,E,ω) with beer vertices B ⊆ V. A beer path between two vertices s and t of a beer graph is a path that connects s and t and visits at least one vertex in B. The beer distance between two vertices is the weight of a shortest beer path, i.e. a beer path having minimum total weight. A graph indexing scheme is a two-phase method that constructs an index data structure by a one-time preprocessing of an input graph and then exploits it to compute (or accelerate the computation of) answers to queries on structures of the graph dataset. In the last decade, such indexing schemes have been designed to perform, effectively, many relevant types of queries, e.g. on reachability, and have gained significant popularity in essentially all data-intensive application domains where large number of queries have to be routinely answered (e.g. journey planners), since they have been shown, through many experimental studies, to offer extremely low query times at the price of limited preprocessing time and space overheads. In this paper, we showcase that an indexing scheme, to efficiently execute queries on beer distances or shortest beer paths for pairs of vertices of a beer graph, can be obtained by adapting the highway labeling, a recently introduced indexing method to accelerate the computation of classical shortest paths. We design a preprocessing algorithm to build a whl index, i.e. a weighted highway labeling of a beer graph, and show how it can be queried to compute beer distances and shortest beer paths. Through extensive experimentation on real networks, we empirically demonstrate its practical effectiveness and superiority, in terms of offered trade-off between preprocessing time, space overhead and query time, with respect to the state-of-the-art.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Graph algorithms analysis
  • Theory of computation → Shortest paths
  • Information systems → Information systems applications
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Indexing Schemes
  • Beer Distances
  • Algorithms Engineering


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