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- 15 pages
Recent decades have seen the increasing use of Digital Twins (DTs) - that is, digital models used over the lifetime of a physical product or system for tasks such as predictive maintenance or optimization - in a number of domains such as buildings, manufacturing, or design. DTs face a challenge known as the DT synchronization problem; a DT, often based on machine-learned, or complex simulation models, needs to adequately mirror the physical product or system at all times, as any deviations might affect the quality of predictions or control actions. In this paper, we present a model-based approach that aims to add a level of awareness to DT models by supervising if they are in sync with the physical counterpart. The approach is agnostic to the type of models used in the DT, as long as they are compositional, and based on monitoring critical properties (behavioral or functional aspects) of the system at run-time. In the case violations are detected, it reasons on the DT’s structure to localize and identify parts of the model that cause deviations and need to be adapted. We give a formal description and an implementation of this approach, and illustrate it with an example from building climatisation.
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