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- 12 pages
[Kechris, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 1975] showed that there exists a largest Pi_1^1 set of measure 0. An explicit construction of this largest Pi_1^1 nullset has later been given in [Hjorth and Nies, J. London Math. Soc. 2007]. Due to its universal nature, it was conjectured by many that this nullset has a high Borel rank (the question is explicitely mentioned by Chong and Yu, and in [Yu, Fund. Math. 2011]). In this paper, we refute this conjecture and show that this nullset is merely Sigma_3^0. Together with a result of Liang Yu, our result also implies that the exact Borel complexity of this set is Sigma_3^0. To do this proof, we develop the machinery of effective randomness and effective Solovay genericity, investigating the connections between those notions and effective domination properties.
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