Comparing Extant Story Classifiers: Results & New Directions

Authors Joshua D. Eisenberg, W. Victor H. Yarlott, Mark A. Finlayson

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Joshua D. Eisenberg
W. Victor H. Yarlott
Mark A. Finlayson

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Joshua D. Eisenberg, W. Victor H. Yarlott, and Mark A. Finlayson. Comparing Extant Story Classifiers: Results & New Directions. In 7th Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN 2016). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 53, pp. 6:1-6:10, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2016)


Having access to a large set of stories is a necessary first step for robust and wide-ranging computational narrative modeling; happily, language data - including stories - are increasingly available in electronic form. Unhappily, the process of automatically separating stories from other forms of written discourse is not straightforward, and has resulted in a data collection bottleneck. Therefore researchers have sought to develop reliable, robust automatic algorithms for identifying story text mixed with other non-story text. In this paper we report on the reimplementation and experimental comparison of the two approaches to this task: Gordon's unigram classifier, and Corman's semantic triplet classifier. We cross-analyze their performance on both Gordon's and Corman's corpora, and discuss similarities, differences, and gaps in the performance of these classifiers, and point the way forward to improving their approaches.

Subject Classification

  • Story Detection
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Perceptron Learning


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