Applying Real-Time Scheduling Theory to the Synchronous Data Flow Model of Computation

Authors Abhishek Singh, Pontus Ekberg, Sanjoy Baruah

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Abhishek Singh
Pontus Ekberg
Sanjoy Baruah

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Abhishek Singh, Pontus Ekberg, and Sanjoy Baruah. Applying Real-Time Scheduling Theory to the Synchronous Data Flow Model of Computation. In 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 76, pp. 8:1-8:22, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2017)


Schedulability analysis techniques that are well understood within the real-time scheduling community are applied to the analysis of recurrent real-time workloads that are modeled using the synchronous data-flow graph (SDFG) model. An enhancement to the standard SDFG model is proposed, that permits the specification of a real-time latency constraint between a specified input and a specified output of an SDFG. A technique is derived for transforming such an enhanced SDFG to a collection of traditional 3-parameter sporadic tasks, thereby allowing for the analysis of systems of SDFG tasks using the methods and algorithms that have previously been developed within the real-time scheduling community for the analysis of systems of such sporadic tasks.  The applicability of this approach is illustrated by applying prior results from real-time scheduling theory to construct an exact preemptive uniprocessor schedulability test for collections of recurrent processes that are each represented using the enhanced SDFG model.

Subject Classification

  • Real-Time Systems
  • Synchronous Dataflow (SDF)
  • Hard Real-Time Streaming Dataflow Applications
  • Algorithms


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