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- 12 pages
In this work we construct tests that allow a classical user to certify high dimensional entanglement in uncharacterized and possibly noisy quantum devices. We present a family of non-local games {G_n} that for all n certify states with entanglement of formation Omega(n). These tests can be derived from any bipartite non-local game with a classical-quantum gap. Furthermore, our tests are noise-tolerant in the sense that fault tolerant technologies are not needed to play the games; entanglement distributed over noisy channels can pass with high probability, making our tests relevant for realistic experimental settings. This is in contrast to, e.g., results on self-testing of high dimensional entanglement, which are only relevant when the noise rate goes to zero with the system's size n. As a corollary of our result, we supply a lower-bound on the entanglement cost of any state achieving a quantum advantage in a bipartite non-local game. Our proof techniques heavily rely on ideas from the work on classical and quantum parallel repetition theorems.
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