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- 19 pages
This paper discusses the formalization of synthetic cohomology theory in a cubical extension of Agda which natively supports univalence and higher inductive types. This enables significant simplifications of many proofs from Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations as steps that used to require long calculations now hold simply by computation. To this end, we give a new definition of the group structure for cohomology with ℤ-coefficients, optimized for efficient computations. We also invent an optimized definition of the cup product which allows us to give the first complete formalization of the axioms needed to turn the integral cohomology groups into a graded commutative ring. Using this, we characterize the cohomology groups of the spheres, torus, Klein bottle and real/complex projective planes. As all proofs are constructive we can then use Cubical Agda to distinguish between spaces by computation.
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