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- 16 pages
Given 1 ≤ 𝓁 < k and δ ≥ 0, let PM(k,𝓁,δ) be the decision problem for the existence of perfect matchings in n-vertex k-uniform hypergraphs with minimum 𝓁-degree at least δ binom(n-𝓁,k-𝓁). For k ≥ 3, the decision problem in general k-uniform hypergraphs, equivalently PM(k,𝓁,0), is one of Karp’s 21 NP-complete problems. Moreover, for k ≥ 3, a reduction of Szymańska showed that PM(k, 𝓁, δ) is NP-complete for δ < 1-(1-1/k)^{k-𝓁}. A breakthrough by Keevash, Knox and Mycroft [STOC '13] resolved this problem for 𝓁 = k-1 by showing that PM(k, k-1, δ) is in P for δ > 1/k. Based on their result for 𝓁 = k-1, Keevash, Knox and Mycroft conjectured that PM(k, 𝓁, δ) is in P for every δ > 1-(1-1/k)^{k-𝓁}. In this paper it is shown that this decision problem for perfect matchings can be reduced to the study of the minimum 𝓁-degree condition forcing the existence of fractional perfect matchings. That is, we hopefully solve the "computational complexity" aspect of the problem by reducing it to a well-known extremal problem in hypergraph theory. In particular, together with existing results on fractional perfect matchings, this solves the conjecture of Keevash, Knox and Mycroft for 𝓁 ≥ 0.4k.
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