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- 4 pages
We discuss recent algorithmic extensions of two classic results of extremal combinatorics about long paths in graphs. First, the theorem of Dirac from 1952 asserts that a 2-connected graph G with the minimum vertex degree d > 1, is either Hamiltonian or contains a cycle of length at least 2d. Second, the theorem of Erdős-Gallai from 1959, states that a graph G with the average vertex degree D > 1, contains a cycle of length at least D. The proofs of these theorems are constructive, they provide polynomial-time algorithms constructing cycles of lengths 2d and D. We extend these algorithmic results by showing that each of the problems, to decide whether a 2-connected graph contains a cycle of length at least 2d+k or of a cycle of length at least D+k, is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by k.
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