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- 17 pages
We prove that the well-studied triangulation flip walk on a convex point set mixes in time O(n³ log³ n), the first progress since McShine and Tetali’s O(n⁵ log n) bound in 1997. In the process we give lower and upper bounds of respectively Ω(1/(√n log n)) and O(1/√n) - asymptotically tight up to an O(log n) factor - for the expansion of the associahedron graph K_n. The upper bound recovers Molloy, Reed, and Steiger’s Ω(n^(3/2)) bound on the mixing time of the walk. To obtain these results, we introduce a framework consisting of a set of sufficient conditions under which a given Markov chain mixes rapidly. This framework is a purely combinatorial analogue that in some circumstances gives better results than the projection-restriction technique of Jerrum, Son, Tetali, and Vigoda. In particular, in addition to the result for triangulations, we show quasipolynomial mixing for the k-angulation flip walk on a convex point set, for fixed k ≥ 4.
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