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- 15 pages
It is celebrated that a simple random walk on ℤ and ℤ² returns to the initial vertex v infinitely many times during infinitely many transitions, which is said recurrent, while it returns to v only finite times on ℤ^d for d ≥ 3, which is said transient. It is also known that a simple random walk on a growing region on ℤ^d can be recurrent depending on growing speed for any fixed d. This paper shows that a simple random walk on {0,1,…,N}ⁿ with an increasing n and a fixed N can be recurrent depending on the increasing speed of n. Precisely, we are concerned with a specific model of a random walk on a growing graph (RWoGG) and show a phase transition between the recurrence and transience of the random walk regarding the growth speed of the graph. For the proof, we develop a pausing coupling argument introducing the notion of weakly less homesick as graph growing (weakly LHaGG).
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