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- 7 pages
In this paper, we present two self-stabilizing algorithms that enable a single (mobile) agent to explore graphs. The agent visits all nodes starting from any configuration, i.e., regardless of the initial state of the agent, the initial states of all nodes, and the initial location of the agent. We evaluate the algorithms using two metrics: cover time, which is the number of moves required to visit all nodes, and memory usage, which includes the storage needed for the state of the agent and the state of each node. The first algorithm is randomized. Given an integer c = Ω(n), the cover time of this algorithm is optimal, i.e., O(m) in expectation, and the memory requirements for the agent and each node v are O(log c) and O(log (c+δ_v)) bits, respectively, where n and m are the numbers of nodes and edges, respectively, and δ_v is the degree of v. The second algorithm is deterministic. It requires an input integer k ≥ max(D,δ_max), where D and δ_max are the diameter and the maximum degree of the graph, respectively. The cover time of this algorithm is O(m + nD), and it uses O(log k) bits both for agent memory and each node.
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