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- 22 pages
Back in 1970’s, E. F. Codd worked on a prototype of a natural language question and answer application that would sit on top of a relational database system. Soon, natural language interfaces for databases (NLIDBs) became the holy grail for the database community. Different approaches have been proposed from the database, machine learning and NLP communities. Interest in the topic has had its peaks and valleys. After a long and adventurous journey of almost 50 years, there is a rekindled interest in NLIDBs in recent years, fueled by the need for democratizing data access and by the recent advances in deep learning and natural language processing in particular. There is a surge of works on natural language interfaces for databases using neural translation, and suddenly it becomes hard to keep up with advancements in the field. Are we close to finding the holy grail of data access? What are the lurking challenges that we need to surpass and what research opportunities arise? Finally, what is the role of the database community?
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