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- 25 pages
Patterns are a common metaphor in software engineering that denotes reusable solutions for recurring software engineering problems. Architectural patterns focus on the interplay or organization of two or more components of a software system, and are particularly helpful in the design of complex software architectures such as those produced by Microservice Architecture (MSA). This paper presents an approach for the language-based reification of architectural MSA patterns. To this end, we introduce a method to flexibly retrofit LEMMA (Language Ecosystem for Modeling Microservices) with support for modeling and implementing architectural MSA patterns. The method relies on the (i) specification of aspects to reify pattern applications in MSA models; (ii) validation of pattern applications; and (iii) code generation from correct pattern applications. Consequently, it contributes to correct-by-construction microservices by abstracting from the complexity of pattern implementations, yet still enabling their automated production with Model-Driven Engineering. We validate our method with the popular Domain Event and Command Query Responsibility Segregation patterns, and assess its applicability for 28 additional patterns. Our results show that LEMMA’s expressivity covers the model-based expression of complex architectural MSA patterns and that its model processing facilities support pattern-specific extensions such that conformance checking and pattern-conform code generation can be modularized into reusable model processors.
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