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- 24 pages
We study the Büchi non-emptiness problem for networks of timed automata. Standard solutions consider the network as a monolithic timed automaton obtained as a synchronized product and build its zone graph on-the-fly under the classical global-time semantics. In the global-time semantics, all processes are assumed to have a common global timeline. Bengtsson et al. in 1998 have proposed a local-time semantics where each process in the network moves independently according to a local timeline, and processes synchronize their timelines when they do a common action. It has been shown that the local-time semantics is equivalent to the global-time semantics for finite runs, and hence can be used for checking reachability. The local-time semantics allows computation of a local zone graph which has good independence properties and is amenable to partial-order methods. Hence local zone graphs are able to better tackle the state-space explosion due to concurrency. In this work, we extend the results to the Büchi setting. We propose a local zone graph computation that can be coupled with a partial-order method, to solve the Büchi non-emptiness problem in timed networks. In the process, we develop a theory of regions for the local-time semantics.
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