Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 320, 32nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2024)
Tim Hegemann and Alexander Wolff. Storylines with a Protagonist. In 32nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 320, pp. 26:1-26:22, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)
@InProceedings{hegemann_et_al:LIPIcs.GD.2024.26, author = {Hegemann, Tim and Wolff, Alexander}, title = {{Storylines with a Protagonist}}, booktitle = {32nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2024)}, pages = {26:1--26:22}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-95977-343-0}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2024}, volume = {320}, editor = {Felsner, Stefan and Klein, Karsten}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-213109}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.GD.2024.26}, annote = {Keywords: Storyline visualization, storyline with a protagonist, crossing minimization, block crossings} }
Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 307, 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024)
Kostis Michailidis, Dimos Tsouros, and Tias Guns. Constraint Modelling with LLMs Using In-Context Learning. In 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 307, pp. 20:1-20:27, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)
@InProceedings{michailidis_et_al:LIPIcs.CP.2024.20, author = {Michailidis, Kostis and Tsouros, Dimos and Guns, Tias}, title = {{Constraint Modelling with LLMs Using In-Context Learning}}, booktitle = {30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024)}, pages = {20:1--20:27}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-95977-336-2}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2024}, volume = {307}, editor = {Shaw, Paul}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-207053}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2024.20}, annote = {Keywords: Constraint Modelling, Constraint Acquisition, Constraint Programming, Large Language Models, In-Context Learning, Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Optimisation} }
Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 312, 24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2024)
Adam Cicherski, Anna Lisiecka, and Norbert Dojer. AlfaPang: Alignment Free Algorithm for Pangenome Graph Construction. In 24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 312, pp. 23:1-23:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)
@InProceedings{cicherski_et_al:LIPIcs.WABI.2024.23, author = {Cicherski, Adam and Lisiecka, Anna and Dojer, Norbert}, title = {{AlfaPang: Alignment Free Algorithm for Pangenome Graph Construction}}, booktitle = {24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2024)}, pages = {23:1--23:18}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-95977-340-9}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2024}, volume = {312}, editor = {Pissis, Solon P. and Sung, Wing-Kin}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-206673}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.WABI.2024.23}, annote = {Keywords: pangenome, variation graph, genome alignment, population genomics} }
Published in: Dagstuhl Manifestos, Volume 10, Issue 1 (2024)
James P. Delgrande, Birte Glimm, Thomas Meyer, Miroslaw Truszczynski, and Frank Wolter. Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 22282). In Dagstuhl Manifestos, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 1-61, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)
@Article{delgrande_et_al:DagMan.10.1.1, author = {Delgrande, James P. and Glimm, Birte and Meyer, Thomas and Truszczynski, Miroslaw and Wolter, Frank}, title = {{Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 22282)}}, pages = {1--61}, journal = {Dagstuhl Manifestos}, ISSN = {2193-2433}, year = {2024}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, editor = {Delgrande, James P. and Glimm, Birte and Meyer, Thomas and Truszczynski, Miroslaw and Wolter, Frank}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-201403}, doi = {10.4230/DagMan.10.1.1}, annote = {Keywords: Knowledge representation and reasoning, Applications of logics, Declarative representations, Formal logic} }
Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 107, 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018)
Julia Chuzhoy, David H. K. Kim, and Rachit Nimavat. Improved Approximation for Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids with Sources on the Boundary. In 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 107, pp. 38:1-38:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)
@InProceedings{chuzhoy_et_al:LIPIcs.ICALP.2018.38, author = {Chuzhoy, Julia and Kim, David H. K. and Nimavat, Rachit}, title = {{Improved Approximation for Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids with Sources on the Boundary}}, booktitle = {45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018)}, pages = {38:1--38:14}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-95977-076-7}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2018}, volume = {107}, editor = {Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis and Kaklamanis, Christos and Marx, D\'{a}niel and Sannella, Donald}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-90423}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2018.38}, annote = {Keywords: Node-disjoint paths, approximation algorithms, routing and layout} }
Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 96, 35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2018)
Gökalp Demirci, Henry Hoffmann, and David H. K. Kim. Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling with Resource and Precedence Constraints. In 35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 96, pp. 25:1-25:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)
@InProceedings{demirci_et_al:LIPIcs.STACS.2018.25, author = {Demirci, G\"{o}kalp and Hoffmann, Henry and Kim, David H. K.}, title = {{Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling with Resource and Precedence Constraints}}, booktitle = {35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2018)}, pages = {25:1--25:14}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-95977-062-0}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2018}, volume = {96}, editor = {Niedermeier, Rolf and Vall\'{e}e, Brigitte}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-85319}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2018.25}, annote = {Keywords: scheduling, resource, precedence, weighted completion time} }
Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 40, Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2015)
Julia Chuzhoy and David H. K. Kim. On Approximating Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids. In Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2015). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 40, pp. 187-211, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2015)
@InProceedings{chuzhoy_et_al:LIPIcs.APPROX-RANDOM.2015.187, author = {Chuzhoy, Julia and Kim, David H. K.}, title = {{On Approximating Node-Disjoint Paths in Grids}}, booktitle = {Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2015)}, pages = {187--211}, series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)}, ISBN = {978-3-939897-89-7}, ISSN = {1868-8969}, year = {2015}, volume = {40}, editor = {Garg, Naveen and Jansen, Klaus and Rao, Anup and Rolim, Jos\'{e} D. P.}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-53032}, doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.APPROX-RANDOM.2015.187}, annote = {Keywords: Node-disjoint paths, approximation algorithms, routing and layout} }
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